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Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy



Since Foley Middle School is a Title 1 school, all students' benefit from this federally funded program. Our Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy and its accompanying compact were developed with input from parents of students at Foley Middle School. It is distributed to all parents after being approved by the SBDM council.

It is the intent of Foley Middle School that parents are provided with frequent and convenient opportunities for full and ongoing participation in the planning of the Title 1 Program. This includes opportunities to suggest modifications due to changing needs of parents, students, and the school. The Title 1 program has been designed to assist students in acquiring the capacities and achieving the goals established by law. These goals and standards will be shared with parents in a manner that will enable them to participate in decisions concerning their child's education.

Foley Middle School is cooperation with the district will work to plan and implement effective parent involvement activities. These measures may include but shall not be limited to the following:

  1. Informing parents about the Title 1 Program, the academic expectations, the school's educational plan, and ways in which they can be parents in their child's education. 
  2. Designing and conducting an effective annual evaluation process whereby parents can share their ideas about the content and effectiveness of this policy and the activities designed to implement. 
  3. Providing information about individual student assessment and progress to parents with opportunities for consultation. 


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I have received and read the Title 1 Parent  Involvement Policy.

Student: ____________________________________________________

Date: _________________


Parent: _____________________________________________________

Date: __________________

I have received and read the Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy.


Student : ______________________________________________________  Date:___________________


Parent: _______________________________________________________   

Date: __________________


School Representative:  _____________________________________  

Date: __________________